The VC type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberAppend(String, array<Byte>[]()[][], Boolean)
This function appends the given data in byte array to the specified stream.
Public methodStatic memberAppend(String, array<Byte>[]()[][], Int64, Boolean)
This function appends the given data in byte array to the specified stream. The append starts at the given streamFixedOffset in the destination stream. If the stream already contains data in the streamFixedOffset position and it is different from the data that is being appended, then this operation will fail.
Public methodStatic memberAppendFile(String, String, Boolean)
This function appends the given file to the specified stream. The file in its entirety will be appended to the stream. The file must use new line characters '\n', '\r', "\n\r", and/or "\r\n" (the file can contain more than one of these) with lines being less than or equal to 4MB (including new line characters).
Public methodStatic memberAppendFile(String, String, Int64, Boolean)
This function appends the given file to the specified stream. The file in its entirety will be appended to the stream. The file must use new line characters '\n', '\r', "\n\r", and/or "\r\n" (the file can contain more than one of these) with lines being less than or equal to 4MB (including new line characters). The append starts at the given streamFixedOffset in the destination stream. If the stream already contains data in the streamFixedOffset position and it is different from the data that is being appended, then this operation will fail.
Public methodStatic memberAppendFile(String, String, Int64, Int64, Boolean)
This function appends the given file to the specified stream. The data will be read from the local file starting at offset and the number of bytes appended will be equal to length. The file must use new line characters '\n', '\r', "\n\r", and/or "\r\n" (the file can contain more than one of these) with lines being less than or equal to 4MB (including new line characters).
Public methodStatic memberAppendFile(String, String, Int64, Int64, Int64, Boolean)
This function appends the given file to the specified stream. The data will be read from the local file starting at offset and the number of bytes appended will be equal to length. The file must use new line characters '\n', '\r', "\n\r", and/or "\r\n" (the file can contain more than one of these) with lines being less than or equal to 4MB (including new line characters). The append starts at the given streamFixedOffset in the destination stream. If the stream already contains data in the streamFixedOffset position and it is different from the data that is being appended, then this operation will fail.
Public methodStatic memberAppendFile(String, String, Int64, Int64, Int64, Boolean, Boolean)
This function appends the given file to the specified stream. The data will be read from the local file starting at offset and the number of bytes appended will be equal to length. The file must use new line characters '\n', '\r', "\n\r", and/or "\r\n" (the file can contain more than one of these) with lines being less than or equal to 4MB (including new line characters). The append starts at the given streamFixedOffset in the destination stream. If the stream already contains data in the streamFixedOffset position and it is different from the data that is being appended, then this operation will fail.
Public methodStatic memberCancelJob(Guid, String)
This function cancels a job with a given job ID.
Public methodStatic memberCancelJob(String, String)
This function cancels a job with a given job url
Public methodStatic memberClearStreamExpirationTime
This function sets the expiration time for a given stream to "never".
Public methodStatic memberConcatenate
This function initiates concatenation of the two given streams. If the streams are on different volumes, this operation may take some time to complete.
Public methodStatic memberCreate(String)
This function creates a stream on the virtual cluster.
Public methodStatic memberCreate(String, TimeSpan)
This function creates a stream on the virtual cluster. It will also assign the expiration time for the stream.
Public methodStatic memberDelete
This function deletes the given stream. Deletion puts the stream into a "recycled" state. For immediate, non-recoverable deletions see the Purge(String) method.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteJob Obsolete.
This function deletes the job with a given job ID.
Public methodStatic memberDiffDir
This method compares two Cosmos directories and shows the size difference of the files in those directories.
Public methodStatic memberDownload(String, String, Boolean, Boolean)
This function downloads a stream on the virtual cluster to the local machine. The download will copy the entire stream, from the beginning to end.
Public methodStatic memberDownload(String, String, Boolean, DownloadMode)
This function downloads a stream on the virtual cluster to the local machine. The download will copy the entire stream, from the beginning to end.
Public methodStatic memberDownload(String, String, Int64, Boolean, Boolean)
This function downloads a stream on the virtual cluster to the local machine. The download will start at the specified offset and copy until the end of the stream.
Public methodStatic memberDownload(String, String, Int64, Boolean, DownloadMode)
This function downloads a stream on the virtual cluster to the local machine. The download will start at the specified offset and copy until the end of the stream.
Public methodStatic memberDownload(String, String, Int64, Int64, Boolean, Boolean)
This function downloads a stream on the virtual cluster to the local machine. The download will start at the specified offset and copy "length" number of bytes.
Public methodStatic memberDownload(String, String, Int64, Int64, Boolean, DownloadMode)
This function downloads a stream on the virtual cluster to the local machine. The download will start at the specified offset and copy "length" number of bytes.
Public methodStatic memberEncode(String, SecureString)
This function encodes the given username with the given password(SecureString) and stores it on the windows credential manager.
Public methodStatic memberEncode(String, String)
This function encodes the given username with the given password and stores it on the windows credential manager.
Public methodStatic memberFindJobs(FindJobsParameters)
Based on specified finding criteria, return qualified jobs.
Public methodStatic memberFindJobs(FindJobsParameters, String, Boolean)
Find qualified jobs and write response to an output file.
Public methodStatic memberGetDataUploadProgress
Gets Cosmos Data Loader (CDL) V2 data upload progress metrics for a given day or hour.
Public methodStatic memberGetDirectoryInfo
This function gets the StreamInfo for a given directory.
Public methodStatic memberGetJobInfo(String)
Gets the information about the job with a given job URL.
Public methodStatic memberGetJobInfo(Guid, Boolean)
Gets the information about the job with a given job id.
Public methodStatic memberGetJobInfo(String, Boolean)
Gets the information about the job with a given job id.
Public methodStatic memberGetJobInfo(Guid, Boolean, String, Boolean)
This function gets the information about the job with a given job id and writes it to the given file.
Public methodStatic memberGetJobInfo(String, Boolean, String, Boolean)
This function gets the information about the job with a given job id and writes it to the given file.
Public methodStatic memberGetJobsList(String)
This function gets the list of jobs and their status etc. for the given VC name.
Public methodStatic memberGetJobsList(String, String, Nullable<(Of <<'(JobInfo..::..JobState>)>>), Nullable<(Of <<'(DateTime>)>>))
This function gets the list of jobs and their status etc. for the given VC name. It also filters the job list based on submittedBy, jobState and jobEndDate.
Public methodStatic memberGetJobsList(String, String, Nullable<(Of <<'(JobInfo..::..JobState>)>>), Nullable<(Of <<'(DateTime>)>>), String, Boolean)
This function generates an XML file containing the list of jobs and their status etc. for the given VC name. It also filters the job list based on submittedBy, jobState and jobEndDate. The XML file will have some job fields populated. To populate all fields for a particular job, use GetJobInfo(String, Boolean, String, Boolean).
Public methodStatic memberGetJobStatistics(String)
This function returns the JobStatistics object that contains statistical information about each job stage. The object includes information about the number of vertices failed, succeeded, data read, etc.
Public methodStatic memberGetJobStatistics(String, String)
This function returns the JobStatistics object that contains statistical information about each job stage. The object includes information about the number of vertices failed, succeeded, data read, etc.
Public methodStatic memberGetJobUrl
Composes job URL from VC URL and job GUID.
Public methodStatic memberGetStreamInfo
Gets the StreamInfo for a stream.
Public methodStatic memberGetStreamSetInfo(String, Boolean)
This function gets the StreamInfo of each stream in the given streamset.
Public methodStatic memberGetStreamSetInfo(String, Boolean, Boolean)
This function gets the StreamInfo of each stream in the given streamset.
Public methodStatic memberGetStreamSetInfo(String, Boolean, String, String)
This function gets the StreamInfo of each stream in the given streamset.
Public methodStatic memberGetStreamSetInfo(String, Boolean, String, String, Boolean)
This function gets the StreamInfo of each stream in the given streamset.
Public methodStatic memberGetVcList
Get a list of VCs in this cluster
Public methodStatic memberHttpToVcPath
Given a virtual cluster path in http:// format, this function will return the virtual cluster's path in vc:// format. Please see http://sharepoint/sites/cosmos/Cosmos%20User%20Documentation/Connect%20to%20Cosmos.aspx for a list of possible clusters.
Public methodStatic memberLogAppend(String, array<Byte>[]()[][], Boolean, IDictionary<(Of <<'(String, String>)>>))
This appends the given data in the byte array to the log stream on the virtual cluster whose "key" and "value" match the key and value. hmKeyValue contains key-value pairs and the append operation will be performed for each key-value pair.
Public methodStatic memberLogAppend(String, String, Boolean, IDictionary<(Of <<'(String, String>)>>))
This appends the data in the given file to the log stream on the virtual cluster whose "key" and "value" match the key and value. hmKeyValue contains key-value pairs and the append operation will be performed for each key-value pair.
Public methodStatic memberLogAppend(String, array<Byte>[]()[][], Boolean, String, String)
This appends the given data in the byte array to the log stream on the virtual cluster whose "key" and "value" match the key and value.
Public methodStatic memberLogAppend(String, array<Byte>[]()[][], Int32, Int32, Boolean, IDictionary<(Of <<'(String, String>)>>))
This appends the given data in the byte array to the log stream on the virtual cluster whose "key" and "value" match the key and value. hmKeyValue contains key-value pairs and the append operation will be performed for each key-value pair.
Public methodStatic memberLogAppend(String, array<Byte>[]()[][], Int32, Int32, CompressionLevel, IDictionary<(Of <<'(String, String>)>>))
This appends the given data in the byte array to the log stream on the virtual cluster whose "key" and "value" match the key and value. hmKeyValue contains key-value pairs and the append operation will be performed for each key-value pair.
Public methodStatic memberLogAppend(String, array<Byte>[]()[][], Int32, Int32, Boolean, String, String)
This appends the given data in the byte array to the log stream on the virtual cluster whose "key" and "value" match the key and value.
Public methodStatic memberNormalizeHttpPath
Gets the normalized version of the given HTTP path.
Public methodStatic memberPurge
This function permanently deletes the given stream. This operation **CANNOT** be undone! For recoverable deletions, see the Delete(String) method. Purge is restricted to VC admins only.
Public methodStatic memberReadStream(String, Boolean)
This function reads a stream from the virtual cluster and returns a stream object. The stream will be read from the beginning and until the end of the stream is reached.
Public methodStatic memberReadStream(String, Int64, Boolean)
This function reads a stream from the virtual cluster and returns a stream object. The stream will be read from the specified offset until the end of the stream is reached.
Public methodStatic memberReadStream(String, Int64, Int64, Boolean)
This function reads a stream from the virtual cluster and returns a stream object. The stream will be read from the specified offset for the given length.
Public methodStatic memberRename(String, String)
This function renames the given stream.
Public methodStatic memberRename(String, String, Boolean)
This function renames the given stream.
Public methodStatic memberResumeJob
Resume a job
Public methodStatic memberSealStream
Seals the last extent in a Cosmos stream. Seal happens automatically when calling AppendFile(), but if you are uploading using Append() you may want to call this when you know there will be no more data to upload.
Public methodStatic memberSetDefaultCredentials()()()()
This method is similar to VC.Setup and allows you to use the logged in machine credentials for communicating with Cosmos. Using default credentials gives the advantage of not having to encode the user credentials.
Public methodStatic memberSetDefaultCredentials(String, String)
This method is similar to VC.Setup and allows you to use the logged in machine credentials for communicating with Cosmos. Using default credentials gives the advantage of not having to encode the user credentials.
Public methodStatic memberSetStreamExpirationTime
This function sets the expiration time for a given stream. Once the stream expires, it will be deleted.
Public methodStatic memberSetStreamFlags
Set or clear stream level flags
Public methodStatic memberSetup(String, X509Certificate2)
This method initializes the VC class with information such as: VC name, and client certificate. All calls using VC or Scope will use this information when communicating with Cosmos. This method can be called multiple times to change the information. the successive calls should accept https url for cert-based authentication to take effect.
Public methodStatic memberSetup(String, String, String)
This method initializes the VC class with information such as: VC name, proxy, and credentials. All calls using VC or Scope will use this information when communicating with Cosmos. This method can be called multiple times to change the information.
Public methodStatic memberSetup(String, String, String, SecureString)
This method initializes the VC class with information such as: VC name, proxy, and credentials. All calls using VC or Scope will use this information when communicating with Cosmos. This method can be called multiple times to change the information.
Public methodStatic memberStartJob
Start a job
Public methodStatic memberStreamExists(String)
This function checks if a given stream exists or not. Using this function on stream sets results in undefined behavior; please use GetStreamSetInfo(String, Boolean) or one of its overloads instead.
Public methodStatic memberStreamExists(String, Boolean)
This function checks if a given stream exists or not. Using this function on stream sets results in undefined behavior; please use GetStreamSetInfo(String, Boolean) or one of its overloads instead.
Public methodStatic memberSubmitJob(SubmitJobParameters, Boolean)
Submitting a job. This function is not intended to be called by customers, but by Scope.exe internally only. SubmitJobParameters.JobType should be set to differentiate among Scope/commandline/algebra jobs.
Public methodStatic memberSubmitJob(String, Int32, List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), String, Boolean) Obsolete.
Submitting a command line job
Public methodStatic memberSubmitJob(String, Int32, Int32, List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), String, Boolean) Obsolete.
Submitting a command line job
Public methodStatic memberSubmitJob(String, Int32, List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), String, String, String, Boolean) Obsolete.
Submitting a xmlAlgebra job
Public methodStatic memberSubmitJob(String, Int32, Int32, List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), String, Boolean, Guid) Obsolete.
Submitting a command line job
Public methodStatic memberSubmitJob(String, Int32, Int32, List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), String, String, String, Boolean) Obsolete.
Submitting a xmlAlgebra job
Public methodStatic memberSubmitJob(String, Int32, Int32, List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), String, String, String, Boolean, Guid) Obsolete.
Submitting a xmlAlgebra job
Public methodStatic memberUpdateJob(Guid, JobUpdateInfo)
Update job properties, such as priority and VC allocation, of a queued or running job.
Public methodStatic memberUpdateJob(String, JobUpdateInfo)
Update job properties, such as priority and VC allocation, of a queued or running job.
Public methodStatic memberUpdateJob(Guid, Nullable<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>), Nullable<(Of <<'(Double>)>>)) Obsolete.
Update job properties, such as priority and VC allocation, of a queued or running job.
Public methodStatic memberUpdateJob(String, Nullable<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>), Nullable<(Of <<'(Double>)>>)) Obsolete.
Update job properties, such as priority and VC allocation, of a queued or running job.
Public methodStatic memberUpload(String, String, Boolean)
This function uploads the given file to the vc. The local file in its entirety will be uploaded. The destination stream will be created during this operation and cannot exist prior to upload.
Public methodStatic memberUpload(array<Byte>[]()[][], String, Boolean, TimeSpan)
This function uploads the given byte array data to the VC. The destination stream will be created during this operation and cannot exist prior to upload.
Public methodStatic memberUpload(String, String, Boolean, TimeSpan)
This function uploads the given file to the vc. The local file in its entirety will be uploaded. The destination stream will be created during this operation and cannot exist prior to upload.
Public methodStatic memberUpload(String, String, Boolean, TimeSpan, Boolean)
This function uploads the given file to the vc. The local file in its entirety will be uploaded. The destination stream will be created during this operation and cannot exist prior to upload.
Public methodStatic memberUpload(String, String, Int64, Int64, Boolean)
This function uploads the given file to the vc. The data will be read from the local file starting at offset and the number of bytes appended will be equal to length. The destination stream will be created during this operation and cannot exist prior to upload.
Public methodStatic memberUpload(String, String, Int64, Int64, Boolean, TimeSpan, Boolean)
This function uploads the given file to the vc. The data will be read from the local file starting at offset and the number of bytes appended will be equal to length. The destination stream will be created during this operation and cannot exist prior to upload.
Public methodStatic memberUploadWithBlockBoundaries
This function uploads the given local file to cosmos cluster, while preserving the specified block boundaries. The destination stream will be created during this operation and cannot exist prior to upload.
Public methodStatic memberVcToHttpPath
Given a virtual cluster path in vc:// format, this function will return the virtual cluster's path in https:// format. Please see http://sharepoint/sites/cosmos/Cosmos%20User%20Documentation/Connect%20to%20Cosmos.aspx for a list of possible clusters.
Public methodStatic memberYieldJob(Guid, String)
Yield job.
Public methodStatic memberYieldJob(String, String)
Yield job.


Public fieldStatic memberNoProxy
Constant used in Setup(String, String, String) and SetDefaultCredentials(String, String) to specify that no proxy should be used.


Public propertyStatic memberAlwaysUseVIP
To route all request through VIP, initialize to true.
Public propertyStatic memberEnforceHttpsConnectionProperty
Enforce using Https to connect to Cosmos for security concern.
Public propertyStatic memberOverride
This property allows to override default behavior of all function that require connection to cosmos. It is introduced to enable enhanced unit testing of modules that use VcClientVC.
Public propertyStatic memberUserName
User name used by VC. It can be set by VC.Setup(). If it wasn't otherwise it will try to use default credentials. If there is no default credentials it will return process user credentials
Public propertyStatic memberUsingConnectionGroupNameProperty
the value indicate the ConnectionGroupName Property in HttpWebRequest is being used or not the UnsafeAuthenticatedConnectionSharing is set to true in our HttpClient code please the refer to:

See Also