The Combiner type exposes the following members.


Public methodCombine
Method to combine two RowSets
Public methodGetOutputSchemaAtCompileTime
Deprecated: use Produces() instead, which takes the same arguments
Public methodInitialize(RowSet, RowSet, array<String>[]()[][])
(Overrides RowSetInitialize(RowSet, RowSet, array<String>[]()[][]).)
Public methodInitialize(Schema, Schema, Schema, array<String>[]()[][])
Initialization function that should not be overridden by users
Public methodInitializeAtRuntime
Deprecated: Initialization function that should not be overridden by users\ If you need tablenames, use left.Schema.Table instead of leftTable.
Public methodProduces
Verify the input schema and report the output schema (called at compiletime, not runtime)

See Also