The JobNotification type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberIsValidEmailAddress
Determines whether or not an input string is a valid SMTP email address based on its match to a regular expression. You can see the regular expression in the class property EmailAddressRegexPattern.
Public methodStatic memberParseNotificationString
Parse an input string of notification information and return a list of JobNotification. An input string can be a comma-separated list of email addresses, like this: ",,". All these addresses will be return in a list comprising a single JobNotification with those addresses. In the future, we hope to support a format like: ", sms:555-1234,, sms: 555-9876" So then the returned list will have two JobNotification objects, one for Email and another one for SMS.
Public methodToString
Returns a string representation of this job notification.
(Overrides ObjectToString()()()().)

See Also