The SubmitParameters type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCompression
Compression. Set to true if the compression needs to be used in uploading embedded resources and all other requests to the VC. Default is true.
Public propertyCustomProperties
This variable is used to pass user-customized properties to the job If you do not have any property, pass null. Default is null. Using this CustomProperties, You can attach specific key-value pairs to your jobs, which can be used for distinguishing and filtering later. For example, if you are in pipeline team, you can associate each job with its starter pipeline's id. So you can later search and investigate all jobs belong to one specific run of pipiline easily. Restrictions on CustomProperties: 1. The keys of Custom Properties shall not be duplicated. 2. Length Limitation for each property: The length of each key should be less than 32 characters, which only allows to be 0-9, a-z, A-z and underscore. The length of each value should be less than 1 KB. 3. Total size for all properties should be less than 32 KB.
Public propertyDryadNebulaVersion
Dryad Nebula version. Pass null to use the default version. Default is null.
Public propertyFriendlyName
The job's friendly name. If null, then the friendly name will be set to the name of the script.
Public propertyJobId
Specifies a job guid for a new job. If JobService gets several submit requests for same ID, it will submit first job only. For following submit requests it will do nothing or return an error. This feature is useful for job submission tracking and to avoid duplicate submissions because of connectivity issues. If JobId is not specified, scope will generate one automatically. Default is null.
Public propertyJobNotifications
A list of notifications. Default is null.
Public propertyNebulaCommandLineArgs
Nebula command-line arguments Default is null.
Public propertyParameters
This variable is used to pass parameters to the SCOPE script. The key of each entry is the parameter name, and the value of each entry is the parameter value. If you do not have any parameters, pass null. Default is null.
Public propertyPriority
The job's priority. This should be a number between 1 and 2147483647, inclusive. A lower priority value is given higher scheduling preference. Default value is 1000.
Public propertyScopeScriptFileName
The Scope script's file name. This variable must be set in the constructor of this class.
Public propertyScopeSdkVersion
Scope SDK version. Pass null to use the default version. Default is null.
Public propertyTokenAllocation
Vc exact token allocation. This should be a number larger than 0. Passing -1 will use the default value. Default is -1.
Public propertyVcPercentAllocation
VC percent allocation. This should be a floating point > 0 and le 100. Passing -1 will use the default value. Default is -1.

See Also