The ColumnInfo type exposes the following members.


Public methodColumnInfo(String, ColumnDataType)
Constructor for a ColumnInfo object, this constructor doesn't support user data type
Public methodColumnInfo(String, String)
Create a new ColumnInfo for user defined type schema string must contain C# name of the type do not use this method with CLR name of type (Type.FullName), call ColumnInfo(string name, Type type) instead
Public methodColumnInfo(String, Type)
Create a new ColumnInfo, the type can be of any user defined type.


Public methodAddDependency
Remember that this output column depends on input column table.col Calling this automatically clears Source
Public methodClone
Clone this column info.
Public methodCompatible
Check the two Column Definition is compatible or not
Public methodEquals
Is this ColumnInfo equal to another ColumnInfo? Compare table + column name.
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).)
Public methodGetHashCode
Report the hash of this ColumnInfo
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode()()()().)
Public methodToString
Returns a string representation so that it displays in Visual Studio.
(Overrides ObjectToString()()()().)


Public propertyCLRType
The CLR type (i.e. "string", "int", "int?", "byte[]", etc)
Public propertyColumnCLRType
The CLR type of the column.
Public propertyDependency
What columns were this column derived from? Default is null, we don't know. The key is the ColumnInfo. The value is always null.
Public propertyName
Column name
Public propertySource
If assigned, this columns is a pass-through column. Default is null (no pass-through) Assigning a Source automatically overwrites the Dependency to be just the source.
Public propertyType
Type of the data

See Also