The FindJobsParameters type exposes the following members.


Public methodFindJobsParameters
Define the default constructor to ensure that internal collections are initialized in correct way.


Public propertyCustomPropertyFilters
A collection of key/value pairs, defining how to filter jobs by custom properties. - The key must be found in target jobs' custom properties; - The value is a regex pattern which should be matched against corresponding property's value. The returned jobs are intersection of all those filters' result.
Public propertyJobNameRegex
The regex pattern of jobs' names. Returned jobs should have match for this pattern.
Public propertyJobStates
Returned jobs should be in one of those specified states. By now, CJS supports at most one state.
Public propertyJobUtcEndTimeRange
A time range specified as UTC time. The returned jobs' end time should be inside [start, end) defined in this TimeRange. Note, by now, CJS only accepts end date, not a range yet.
Public propertyUserName
The name of user who submits the job. Returned jobs all should be submitted by this user.
Public propertyVcName
The target VC for finding jobs.

See Also