The JobNotification type exposes the following members.


Public methodJobNotification
Principal constructor. The recipients string can be a comma-separated list of addresses. For example, for SMTP email, the recipients string can be: ",," (without the quotation marks). Note that for email, a single JobNotification with three addresses is different from three JobNotifications with one address each: the former will send one notification with all three recipients at once, while the latter will send three notifications, one to each recipient. This constructor will throw an exception if any of the recipient addresses is incorrect.


Public methodStatic memberIsValidEmailAddress
Determines whether or not an input string is a valid SMTP email address based on its match to a regular expression. You can see the regular expression in the class property EmailAddressRegexPattern.
Public methodStatic memberParseNotificationString
Parse an input string of notification information and return a list of JobNotification. An input string can be a comma-separated list of email addresses, like this: ",,". All these addresses will be return in a list comprising a single JobNotification with those addresses. In the future, we hope to support a format like: ", sms:555-1234,, sms: 555-9876" So then the returned list will have two JobNotification objects, one for Email and another one for SMS.
Public methodToString
Returns a string representation of this job notification.
(Overrides ObjectToString()()()().)


Public propertyStatic memberEmailAddressRegexPattern
The regular expression pattern used to match against candidate email addresses.
Public propertyMethod
Method of notification.
Public propertyRecipients
A string specifying the recipients of this notification. For email, the string will be a list of comma-delimited email addresses.

See Also