The VirtualJobManager type exposes the following members.


Public methodVirtualJobManager
Initializes a new instance of the VirtualJobManager class


Public methodCancelJob
If job is running method marks job as canceled and Also sets EndTime to Now. If status is queued - deletes it from the list. For other status it throws an exception.
Public methodClear
Clears the job list
Public methodDeleteJob Obsolete.
If job is running method marks job as canceled and Also sets EndTime to Now. If status is queued - deletes it from the list. For other status it throws an exception.
Public methodGetJobInfo
Gets the information about the job with a given job id.
Public methodGetJobInfoFile
This function gets the information about the job with a given job id and writes it to the given file.
Public methodGetJobsList
This function gets the list of jobs and their status etc. for the given VC name. It also filters the job list based on submittedBy, jobstate and submitDate.
Public methodGetJobsListFile
This function generates an XML file containing the list of jobs and their status etc. for the given VC name. It also filters the job list based on submittedBy, jobstate and submissionDate.
Public methodInternalCancelJob
This function deletes the job with a given job id from job manager list.
Public methodInternalCompleteJob
Marks Queued job as completed and sets EndTime.
Public methodInternalDeleteJob Obsolete.
This function deletes the job with a given job id from job manager list.
Public methodInternalFailJob
Marks Queued job as completed and sets EndTime.
Public methodInternalGetJobInfo
Returns real reference to JobInfo that can be modified.
Public methodInternalGetJobList
Returns list of real JobInfo objects, which can be modified
Public methodInternalRunJob
Marks Queued job as Running and sets StartTime
Public methodInternalSubmitJob(SubmitJobParameters, String)
Adds job to job manager list.
Public methodInternalSubmitJob(String, Int32, Int32, IEnumerable<(Of <<'(String>)>>), IEnumerable<(Of <<'(String>)>>), String)
Adds job to job manager list.
Public methodSubmitAlgebraJob Obsolete.
Submitting a xmlAlgebra job
Public methodSubmitCmdLineJob Obsolete.
Submitting a command line job
Public methodSubmitJob
Submitting a job


Public propertySubmitThrowsErrors
If set to true, then any submit operation will throw an exception without actual submission. Default is false;

See Also