
Public classAuthenticationException
This exception is thrown when there is an authentication failure during an operation
Public classAuthorizationException
This exception is thrown when there is an authorization failure during an operation
Public classCredentialsNotProvidedException
Is thrown when user credentials are not provided.
Public classEntryNotFoundException
This exception is thrown when a given entry is not found
Public classFileDownloadException
This exception is thrown when there are issues with downloading a stream from a virtual cluster.
Public classFileExistsException
This exception is thrown when trying to overwrite a file that already exists on the disk. This is most likely thrown during download operation.
Public classFileUploadException
This exception is thrown when there are issues when uploading a file to a virtual cluster
Public classInvalidCredentialException
This exception is thrown when there is an authentication failure during an operation
Public classJobNotFoundException
This exception is thrown when a job cannot be found for the given job id in the specified VC.
Public classJobSubmissionException
This exception is thrown when there are issues with submitting a job to a virtual cluster.
Public classStreamAlreadyExistsException
This exception is thrown when stream creation fails due to the fact that the stream already exists.
Public classStreamCreateException
This exception is thrown when there is a problem with creating a stream on a virtual cluster.
Public classStreamReadException
This exception is thrown when there is a problem reading a stream from a virtual cluster.
Public classStreamSetNotFoundException
This exception is thrown when a particular streamset cannot be found in the specified VC.
Public classVcClientException